PBS News

Final reports of the HTA Policy and Methods Review and Enhanced Consumer Engagement Process

Page last updated: 10 September 2024

The reports of the HTA Review and the Enhanced Consumer Engagement Process have been published.  

The HTA Review was overseen by a Reference Committee, a panel of experts and leaders representing patients, scientific and clinical practice, industry, and health sector public administration. The Enhanced Consumer Engagement Process was developed by a consumer-led multi-stakeholder Co-design Working Group.

Both reports were the result of broad and extensive consultation with the public, consumer and patient representative organisations, healthcare professionals, industry, experts and HTA agencies from other countries, universities, and governments.

Read the complete Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Policy and Methods Review report.

Read the report from the Enhanced Consumer Engagement Process.

Thank You

Thank you the to the Co-Design Working Group, HTA Review Reference Committee and everyone who contributed to the Reviews. Your input will help to ensure our heath technology assessment policies continue to improve, benefiting the health and wellbeing of all Australians.