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Optometrist PBS prescribing


From 1 January 2008, optometrists accredited to prescribe under State or Territory legislation can apply for approval as PBS prescribers (authorised optometrists) Information for optometrists on becoming a PBS prescriber is available from Services Australia.

The medications listed for prescribing by authorised optometrists are identified by 'OP' in the PBS Schedule.  Optometrists must not write PBS prescriptions for any other medicines listed on the PBS.

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) is responsible for making recommendations to the Minister of Health regarding preparations for prescribing by authorised optometrists.

Some products are included in more than one section of the Schedule, and for more than one prescriber type.  For a prescription to be eligible for subsidy, prescribers must ensure that they prescribe under the PBS only those medicines, and in accordance with the restrictions, listed for their practitioner type.

Optometrist PBS prescriptions are identifiable by colour, and include the words ‘PBS/RPBS optometrist’. Prescriptions must include the optometrist’s PBS prescriber number. The same optometrist prescription form is used to prescribe unrestricted, restricted or authority items. Only one item is allowed per form. Optometrist PBS prescriptions may include repeats. 

Regulation 24 does not apply for optometrist prescribing. An optometrist cannot direct that original and repeat supplies of pharmaceutical benefits be supplied at the one time.

Authority prescriptions: Authority prescriptions for authority required items, or for increased quantities or repeats, require prior approval from Services Australia or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) for each prescription.  (Refer to Prescribing Medicines — Information for PBS prescribers and Supplying Medicines — What Pharmacists Need to Know, for more information on authority prescriptions.) DVA approval for non-Schedule items is not available for optometrist prescribing.

RPBS: Optometrists approved as PBS prescribers may write prescriptions for supply under the RPBS.  The medicines available for prescribing by authorised optometrists under the RPBS are the same as those available under the PBS.  There are no optometrist listings in the Repatriation Schedule for prescribing for veterans only.  There is no provision for optometrist prescribers to request approval to prescribe items that are not included in the PBS Schedule (non-Schedule items).  

State and Territory requirements: Optometrists may prescribe medications as private prescriptions according to their State/Territory prescribing accreditation. The medicines which can be prescribed differ between States and Territories. It is the optometrist’s responsibility to ensure adherence to State/Territory law for all prescriptions (PBS and private) and additionally to all PBS requirements for PBS/RPBS prescriptions.

  • Legend
  • MPMedical Practitioner
  • MWMidwife
  • NPNurse Practitioner
  • OPOptometrist
  • SO
    Products that are in a Supply Only state will be available for dispensing, but not for prescribing. PBS Prescriptions written prior to the Supply Only period are able to be dispensed using either the Supply Only product where available, or an equivalent product as specified on the PBS schedule.
    Supply Only
  • 60D60-day prescriptions
Prescriber code Item code Name, manner of administration and form & strength Max qty
Max qty
No. of
OP 5501M ACICLOVIRaciclovir 3% eye ointment, 4.5 g 1 1 0
MPOP 14425F BETAXOLOLbetaxolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5544T BETAXOLOLbetaxolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14315K BIMATOPROSTbimatoprost 0.03% eye drops, 3 mL 2 2 5
OP 5551E BIMATOPROSTbimatoprost 0.03% eye drops, 3 mL 1 1 5
OP 10053D BIMATOPROSTbimatoprost 0.03% eye drops, 30 x 0.4 mL ampoules 1 1 5
MPOP 14422C BIMATOPROSTbimatoprost 0.03% eye drops, 30 x 0.4 mL ampoules 2 2 5
MPOP 14317M BIMATOPROST + TIMOLOLbimatoprost 0.03% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 3 mL 2 2 5
OP 5558M BIMATOPROST + TIMOLOLbimatoprost 0.03% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 3 mL 1 1 5
OP 10108B BIMATOPROST + TIMOLOLbimatoprost 0.03% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 30 x 0.4 mL ampoules 1 1 5
MPOP 14351H BIMATOPROST + TIMOLOLbimatoprost 0.03% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 30 x 0.4 mL ampoules 2 2 5
MPOP 14496Y BRIMONIDINEbrimonidine tartrate 0.15% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5563T BRIMONIDINEbrimonidine tartrate 0.15% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
OP 5534G BRIMONIDINEbrimonidine tartrate 0.2% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14497B BRIMONIDINEbrimonidine tartrate 0.2% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
MPOP 14491Q BRIMONIDINE + TIMOLOLbrimonidine tartrate 0.2% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5535H BRIMONIDINE + TIMOLOLbrimonidine tartrate 0.2% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
OP 5540N BRINZOLAMIDEbrinzolamide 1% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14321R BRINZOLAMIDEbrinzolamide 1% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
OP 10547D BRINZOLAMIDE + BRIMONIDINEbrinzolamide 1% + brimonidine tartrate 0.2% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14423D BRINZOLAMIDE + BRIMONIDINEbrinzolamide 1% + brimonidine tartrate 0.2% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
MPOP 14495X BRINZOLAMIDE + TIMOLOLbrinzolamide 1% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5562R BRINZOLAMIDE + TIMOLOLbrinzolamide 1% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14385D CARBOMER-980carbomer-980 0.2% eye gel, 10 g 2 2 5
OP 5503P CARBOMER-980carbomer-980 0.2% eye gel, 10 g 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14420Y CARBOMER-980carbomer-980 0.2% eye drops, 30 x 600 mg ampoules 6 6 5
OP 5504Q CARBOMER-980carbomer-980 0.2% eye drops, 30 x 600 mg ampoules 3 3 5
MPNPOP 14452P CARMELLOSE SODIUMcarmellose sodium 1% eye drops, 30 x 0.4 mL ampoules 6 6 5
OP 5505R CARMELLOSE SODIUMcarmellose sodium 1% eye drops, 30 x 0.4 mL ampoules 3 3 5
MPNPOP 14522H CARMELLOSE SODIUMcarmellose sodium 0.5% eye drops, 30 x 0.4 mL ampoules 6 6 5
OP 5506T CARMELLOSE SODIUMcarmellose sodium 0.5% eye drops, 30 x 0.4 mL ampoules 3 3 5
OP 11853W CARMELLOSE SODIUMcarmellose sodium 0.5% eye drops, 10 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14319P CARMELLOSE SODIUMcarmellose sodium 0.5% eye drops, 10 mL 2 2 5
MPMWNPOP 11112W CHLORAMPHENICOLchloramphenicol 0.5% eye drops, 10 mL 1 1 2
MPOP 13284E CICLOSPORINciclosporin 0.09% eye drops, 60 x 0.25 mL ampoules 1 1 5
MPOP 12663L CICLOSPORINciclosporin 0.1% eye drops, 30 x 0.3 mL ampoules 1 1 5
OP 5564W CIPROFLOXACINciprofloxacin 0.3% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 0
OP 5565X DEXAMETHASONEdexamethasone 0.1% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 0
MPNPOP 14521G DEXTRAN-70 + HYPROMELLOSEdextran-70 0.1% + hypromellose 0.3% eye drops, 15 mL 2 2 5
OP 5520M DEXTRAN-70 + HYPROMELLOSEdextran-70 0.1% + hypromellose 0.3% eye drops, 15 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14524K DORZOLAMIDEdorzolamide 2% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5541P DORZOLAMIDEdorzolamide 2% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14386E DORZOLAMIDE + TIMOLOLdorzolamide 2% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5542Q DORZOLAMIDE + TIMOLOLdorzolamide 2% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
OP 5557L FRAMYCETIN SULFATEframycetin sulfate 0.5% eye/ear drops, 8 mL 1 1 2
MPNPOP 14354L HYALURONATE SODIUMhyaluronate sodium 0.1% eye drops, 10 mL 2 2 5
OP 2184Y HYALURONATE SODIUMhyaluronate sodium 0.1% eye drops, 10 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14494W HYALURONATE SODIUMhyaluronate sodium 0.2% eye drops, 10 mL 2 2 5
OP 2171G HYALURONATE SODIUMhyaluronate sodium 0.2% eye drops, 10 mL 1 1 5
OP 5516H HYDROCORTISONE ACETATEhydrocortisone acetate 1% eye ointment, 5 g 1 1 0
MPNPOP 14320Q HYPROMELLOSEhypromellose 0.5% eye drops, 15 mL 2 2 5
OP 5517J HYPROMELLOSEhypromellose 0.5% eye drops, 15 mL 1 1 5
OP 11634H HYPROMELLOSEhypromellose 0.3% w/w eye drops, 10 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14318N HYPROMELLOSEhypromellose 0.3% w/w eye drops, 10 mL 2 2 5
OP 11849P HYPROMELLOSEhypromellose 0.3% w/v eye drops, 10 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14492R HYPROMELLOSEhypromellose 0.3% w/v eye drops, 10 mL 2 2 5
OP 5519L HYPROMELLOSE + CARBOMER-980hypromellose 0.3% + carbomer-980 0.2% eye gel, 10 g 1 1 5
MPOP 14453Q LATANOPROSTlatanoprost 0.005% eye drops, 2.5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5552F LATANOPROSTlatanoprost 0.005% eye drops, 2.5 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14350G LATANOPROST + TIMOLOLlatanoprost 0.005% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 2.5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5553G LATANOPROST + TIMOLOLlatanoprost 0.005% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 2.5 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 12612T LIQUID PARAFFIN + GLYCEROL + TYLOXAPOL + POLOXAMER-188 + TROMETAMOL HYDROCHLORIDE + TROMETAMOL + CETALKONIUM CHLORIDEliquid paraffin + glycerol + tyloxapol + poloxamer-188 + trometamol hydrochloride + trometamol + cetalkonium chloride eye drops, 10 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14352J LIQUID PARAFFIN + GLYCEROL + TYLOXAPOL + POLOXAMER-188 + TROMETAMOL HYDROCHLORIDE + TROMETAMOL + CETALKONIUM CHLORIDEliquid paraffin + glycerol + tyloxapol + poloxamer-188 + trometamol hydrochloride + trometamol + cetalkonium chloride eye drops, 10 mL 2 2 5
OP 5567B OFLOXACINofloxacin 0.3% eye drops, 5 mL 2 2 0
MPNPOP 14493T PARAFFINparaffin 1 g/g eye ointment, 2 x 3.5 g 2 2 5
OP 5522P PARAFFINparaffin 1 g/g eye ointment, 2 x 3.5 g 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14353K PARAFFINparaffin 1 g/g eye ointment, 3.5 g 4 4 5
OP 5523Q PARAFFINparaffin 1 g/g eye ointment, 3.5 g 2 2 5
OP 11439C PERFLUOROHEXYLOCTANEperfluorohexyloctane 100% eye drops, 3 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14424E PERFLUOROHEXYLOCTANEperfluorohexyloctane 100% eye drops, 3 mL 2 2 5
MPOP 14355M PILOCARPINEpilocarpine hydrochloride 1% eye drops, 15 mL 2 2 5
OP 5536J PILOCARPINEpilocarpine hydrochloride 1% eye drops, 15 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14523J PILOCARPINEpilocarpine hydrochloride 2% eye drops, 15 mL 2 2 5
OP 5537K PILOCARPINEpilocarpine hydrochloride 2% eye drops, 15 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14550T PILOCARPINEpilocarpine hydrochloride 4% eye drops, 15 mL 2 2 5
OP 5538L PILOCARPINEpilocarpine hydrochloride 4% eye drops, 15 mL 1 1 5
MPNPOP 14421B POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL-400 + PROPYLENE GLYCOLpolyethylene glycol-400 0.4% + propylene glycol 0.3% eye drops, 15 mL 2 2 5
OP 5524R POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL-400 + PROPYLENE GLYCOLpolyethylene glycol-400 0.4% + propylene glycol 0.3% eye drops, 15 mL 1 1 5
OP 13113E POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL-400 + PROPYLENE GLYCOLpolyethylene glycol-400 0.4% + propylene glycol 0.3% eye drops, 30 x 0.8 mL unit doses 2 2 5
MPNPOP 14520F POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL-400 + PROPYLENE GLYCOLpolyethylene glycol-400 0.4% + propylene glycol 0.3% eye drops, 30 x 0.8 mL unit doses 4 4 5
OP 5568C PREDNISOLONE ACETATE + PHENYLEPHRINEprednisolone acetate 1% + phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.12% eye drops, 10 mL 1 1 0
MPNPOP 14426G SOY LECITHIN + TOCOPHEROL + VITAMIN Asoy lecithin 1% + tocopherol 0.002% + vitamin A palmitate 0.025% spray, 100 actuations 4 4 5
OP 5545W SOY LECITHIN + TOCOPHEROL + VITAMIN Asoy lecithin 1% + tocopherol 0.002% + vitamin A palmitate 0.025% spray, 100 actuations 2 2 5
OP 14634F TIMOLOLtimolol 0.5% eye drops, 2.5 mL 1 1 5
OP 5550D TIMOLOLtimolol 0.5% eye drops, 2.5 mL 1 1 5
OP 14649B TIMOLOLtimolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
OP 5548B TIMOLOLtimolol 0.5% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 5
OP 5569D TOBRAMYCINtobramycin 0.3% eye drops, 5 mL 1 1 2
OP 5570E TOBRAMYCINtobramycin 0.3% eye ointment, 3.5 g 1 1 0
MPOP 14549R TRAVOPROSTtravoprost 0.004% eye drops, 2.5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5554H TRAVOPROSTtravoprost 0.004% eye drops, 2.5 mL 1 1 5
MPOP 14316L TRAVOPROST + TIMOLOLtravoprost 0.004% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 2.5 mL 2 2 5
OP 5555J TRAVOPROST + TIMOLOLtravoprost 0.004% + timolol 0.5% eye drops, 2.5 mL 1 1 5