July 2013 PBAC Outcomes - Items Awaiting a TGA outcome

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July 2013 PBAC Meeting Outcomes – Items awaiting a TGA outcome

Drug and Form

Drug Use and Type

Listing Requested by Sponsor

PBAC Recommendation

Mometasone with eformoterol, metered dose inhaler, 50 mcg-5 mcg, 100 mcg-5 mcg and 200 mcg-5 mcg, Zenhale®


Merck Sharp & Dohme (Australia) Pty Limited


Major submission


Restricted benefit listing for patients who previously had frequent episodes of asthma while receiving treatment with optimal doses of inhaled corticosteroids and who have been stabilised on concomitant inhaled eformoterol fumarate and mometasone furoate.

The PBAC recommendation cannot be made public until the TGA outcome is known.

Strontium ranelate with colecalciferol, sachet containing strontium ranelate 2 g – colecalciferol 25 mcg, 28, Protos D®


Servier Laboratories (Australia) Pty Ltd


Major submission


Authority required (Streamlined) listing as the sole PBS-subsidised anti-resorptive agent for osteoporosis in a patient aged 70 years of age or older with a bone mineral density (BMD) T-score of -3.0 or less, and, established osteoporosis where the patient has had a fracture due to minimal trauma.

The PBAC recommendation cannot be made public until the TGA outcome is known.