PBS Offline - System Requirements

The downloadable version of this website has been developed to enable you to use the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits when you are not connected to the internet. It functions as a snapshot of the PBS website that is saved to your computer to be accessed at your leisure.

To keep PBS offline up to date, it should be downloaded fresh with the regular Schedule update that occurs on the first of each month.

Warning: These files are large and may take considerable time to download depending on your internet connection. 

Minimum System Requirements

Windows Apple
Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4),
Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2), OR Microsoft Windows 7 or later
Apple Mac OS X v10.3 or later
Processor PC 866 MHz or faster 866 MHz or faster
RAM 512Mb or More 256Mb or More
Hard Disk Space 500 Mb 500 Mb
Java Version 1.6 (available as download from the Java Website Apple 1.7
Browser Internet Explorer 6 or later; Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later Safari 1.3.2 or later; Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later

PC Installation Instructions

Once downloaded open the file and follow the on-screen instructions to install.

Mac Installation Instructions

Once downloaded please follow the below instructions:

  1. Use extraction software to extract the files to your desktop, or other specified location;
  2. A PBS icon will appear on your desktop
  3. Double click the icon to launch PBS Offline