
Page last updated: 2 January 2015

We are continually making improvements to the accessibility of our websites and web content.

If you need help accessing information published on this site please contact us. Read our accessibility statement.

Skip Links

This website has 'skip links'. Using the keyboard, you can tab to navigation menus or the content on each page.

Semantic mark-up

Each page use a logical mark-up structure. This improves the browsing experience for all individuals, including users of screen readers and other assistive devices.

Changing the size of text

You can change the size of text in your browser settings.

The importance of web accessibility

Since 2010, the department has undertaken activities to increase our ability to address the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) and build a structure to ensure continued improvement and enhancement.

In 2013, the Web Accessibility Project outlined an action plan and since then has progressed a number of initiatives:

  • The Chief Information and Knowledge Officer sponsored the department’s project to implement WCAG 2.0 and supporting functions.
  • The department’s main website, a number of high-traffic health campaign sites and web applications were updated to address high-priority design and accessibility issues and improve access for mobile users.
  • Changes to policy, business processes and governance were implemented, requiring staff and contractors to develop and publish web content, websites, web applications and mobile sites and applications that comply to WCAG 2.0 on launch.
  • A role-based approach to compliance in all web projects and a Web Development Guide was implemented to support end-to-end accessible web development.
  • Action plans within business areas were initiated to assess and remediate compliance for more than 40,000 pages of web content.
  • Two new training sessions, targeted at content creators and online publishers were rolled out and marketed to all staff.
  • Online consultant, Stamford Interactive was engaged to assess the department’s development environment, deliver training to web developers and make recommendations for ongoing improvement.

The actions under the project prompted staff to review websites and web content. There was a follow-on effect, and out of date web content and websites were archived.

The department values an inclusive web environment for all Australians, and will continue with a programme of access improvements across our online presence that exceed the Web Accessibility National Transition Strategy timeline.