The Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits shows differences in price in some therapeutic groups where alternative drugs may have a therapeutic group premium.

The Therapeutic Group Premium Policy applies within narrowly defined therapeutic sub-groups where the drugs concerned are of similar safety and health outcomes.

The Australian Government, through the PBS, subsidises up to the price of the lowest priced drug in the group. This means that consumers may have to pay for more expensive drugs (those with a therapeutic group premium). This extra amount does not count towards their PBS safety net threshold.

Therapeutic group premiums apply where a prescriber has prescribed a drug within a therapeutic group that attracts a therapeutic group premium and has not sought an exemption from Services Australia on clinical grounds.

The exemption provisions are:

  • adverse effects occurring with all of the base-priced drugs; or
  • drug interactions occurring with all of the base-priced drugs; or
  • drug interactions expected to occur with all of the base-priced drugs; or
  • transfer to a base-priced drug would cause patient confusion resulting in problems with compliance.

The premiums are not a Government charge but reflect the fact that the supplier(s) of the drug charge a price higher than the Government is willing to subsidise.

Under the Therapeutic Group Premium Policy drug substitution by pharmacists is not permitted.

For ease of prescribing and dispensing, and in the interests of your patients, the following list shows those PBS drugs that attract a therapeutic group premium.

The base-priced drugs in this therapeutic group are losartan and valsartan